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Easy Baby-Friendly Hotdog and Vegetable Stir-Fry with Mini Peppers

Once again, I found myself unprepared for dinner, facing a sad array of available ingredients: just hotdogs, onions, peppers, carrots, and eggs. This was going to be quite a challenge!


Bonus: Contrasting reactions from my omnivore daughter and my super picky son trying the dish:

At 5 PM, my husband accepted a last-minute freelance job, leaving dinner preparation in my hands. With no time left for grocery shopping, I needed to make sure the kids still had a meal.

soy eggs mini peppers hotdogs and mini carrots

I went to ChatGPT:

I have eggs, carrots, onions and hotdogs. Is there anything I can make for dinner with that?

Of course I can, according to ChatGPT:

Chat GPT text

I forgot to mention it's mini carrots:

It's mini carrots

Not a problem, it said:

Chat GPT text

However, I have a baby and round hotdogs is a no-go:

It's for baby also, is hotdog rounds safe?

Now that I mentioned that the dish is for a baby, it made several adjustments, including the soy sauce-

Chat GPT text

Then I remembered I also have some red mini peppers, I wonder if they can be added:

I also have 3 red mini peppers

As usual, it made me feel like it's all my idea:

Chat GPT text

I wanted to use all the hot dogs so I asked it-

Can I put 7 hot dogs?
Yes, you can definitely use 7 hot dogs. The recipe is quite flexible, so adding a couple more hot dogs won't affect the overall preparation much. Here’s the adjusted recipe with 7 hot dogs:


Number of Servings: 4 servings

Total Prep Time: Just 30 minutes

Calories per Serving: Approximately 280 calories

Baby-Friendly Hotdog and Vegetable Stir-Fry with Mini Peppers

Stir fry on plate

Delight in the simplicity of this Baby-Friendly Hotdog and Vegetable Stir-Fry with Mini Peppers! Featuring tender hotdog pieces, sweet mini carrots, vibrant red peppers, and savory onions, all tossed with fluffy scrambled eggs, this dish is a breeze to prepare. In just 30 minutes, you'll have a wholesome meal that pleases both adults and little ones, making it perfect for any busy evening.


  • 4 eggs

  • 1 cup mini carrots

  • 1 onion

  • 3 red mini peppers

  • 7 hotdogs

  • Salt and pepper (to taste, very lightly if any)

  • Soy sauce (optional, minimal amount for baby's portion)

  • Cooking oil


  1. Preparation:

  • Slice the hotdogs lengthwise into quarters and then chop them into small, bite-sized pieces.

  • If the mini carrots are thick, cut them into smaller bite-sized pieces or thin rounds.

  • Peel and finely chop the onion.

  • Remove the stems and seeds from the red mini peppers and chop them into small pieces.

  1. Cooking:

  • Heat a tablespoon of oil in a large skillet or wok over medium heat.

  • Add the finely chopped onions and sauté until they become translucent.

  • Add the mini carrots and stir-fry until they start to soften. You can cover the pan for a few minutes to help them cook through.

  • Add the chopped red mini peppers and cook for another 2-3 minutes until they begin to soften.

  • Add the hotdog pieces and cook until they are heated through and slightly browned.

  • Push the vegetables and hotdogs to the side of the pan, crack the eggs into the center, and scramble them.

  • Once the eggs are mostly cooked, mix everything together.

  • Season lightly with salt and pepper. If you use soy sauce, add just a small amount and avoid adding it to the baby's portion if possible.

  1. Serving:

  • Ensure the food has cooled to a safe temperature before serving it to your baby.

  • For the baby, double-check that the pieces are small enough to avoid choking hazards.

  • Serve the stir-fry hot for the adults and slightly warm for the baby.

Adding more hot dogs will make the dish heartier and increase the protein content. Enjoy your meal!


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